Fire Protection & Prevention

Fire Hydrant

Fire Protection & Prevention

Burn Awareness Week is observed the first full week of February. 

The national safety holiday is “a window of opportunity for organizations to mobilize burn, fire and life safety educators to unite in sharing a common burn awareness and prevention message in our communities.” 

In a much easier sense, Burn Awareness Week is an excellent opportunity to kick off a year full of burn awareness education. 

Individuals should be educated on the elements that can cause fire as many tasks and materials hold the potential for destruction if not performed or handled properly. 

Effective fire prevention depends on you and your co-workers. 

Prevention is Key

The best way to fight fires is to prevent them from happening.  

According to Safety National, “The most effective method of prevention is to keep each of the three elements of fire separated.” Since oxygen is part of our everyday environment, you must separate fuel from heat. 

The separation of fuel from heat can be ensured by:

  • Performing hazard analysis before each task 
  • Conducting good housekeeping to keep your work area tidy and clean 


Hazard Analysis

Employers should educate all employees to perform a hazard analysis of their work areas before beginning a task.

The hazard analysis should include an investigation for potential fire hazards and ensuring there is a safe distance between ignition-producing equipment and fuel sources. 

Good Housekeeping

“Good housekeeping is not just about cleanliness; it lays the basic foundation for accident and fire prevention.” 

Housekeeping is a team effort that involves everyone’s participation. 

Every worker should play a role in housekeeping, even if that means keeping his or her own workplace clean. When implementing good workplace housekeeping, worker safety, health and productivity will increase.

An effective housekeeping program can help control or eliminate workplace hazards; it is crucial to safe workplaces.

Synergy Comp’s Free Safety Resources

Synergy Comp offers free safety resources to ensure burn awareness is not overlooked in the workplace. 

Safety National is an online training resource that improves the safety performance of your whole team while building a culture of safety. The online training resource covers a broad range of topics related to your business including the topic, Fire Protection & Prevention. 

Fire Protection & Prevention is a great topic to help kick off Burn Awareness Week.

In the Safety National lesson, Fire Protection & Prevention, mangers, supervisors and employees will learn about the importance of working together to implement an effective fire prevention program.  

Synergy offers several other safety resources to all current active clients that focus on the specific changes and challenges that are unique to all businesses. The trainings are industry specific and cater to your exact line of business.  The online resource will be free of charge; not only saving time but money.

If you are interested in partnering with Synergy Comp and SOS Safety Solutions to create a culture that fosters communication and embraces safety as a core operating principle, Contact Us Today! 

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